Thought it was time for the annual post from Alaska, although I had no idea there would ever be a second post from here, during a second summer, but there you go...This is a pic from the front of our apartment, it houses the Bering Sea Fishermans Association, appropriate right?
This is a shot of the back, our place has the window open, its verra, verra tiny, the balcony is almost big enough for himself, and sofee and me to sit on, sorta. See, all business up front, fun in the back, a mullet.
Heres the view from said mini balcony, I know, beautiful. But, this was taken at past one in the morning. This place can do weird things to your head, sometimes it seems like looking at things through purply hazy glasses. Several things have happened that have that have just left me feeling gut-punched, but thats just life on earth. The beauty here in beyond incredible, so you go until you cant any more.
Mushroom hunting anyone? This is at the base of Byron Glacier, went wading to get some wonderful rocks, even in waterproof boots and wool socks my feet froze.
You know whoms inside a crack in the glacier, no were not very smart.
This had to be the coolest ever place to stay, you had to go into the round tower and walk down a spiral staircase to get to this room built into the hillside, everything inside was round and smooth and concrete, with heated floors, major love.
This is the view across the inlet in Homer, just incredible. Because of sofee we met some really interesting people, one gentleman was the head of nuclear power of the UK, the other ran the center for infectious diseases of like the world, Doug had a great time talking with them, mostly just made me feel really under accomplished, cause mostly I just knit and doodle.
No cure for sickness, or for safer nuclear power, just what I do to keep sane. The little sweater is for a little miss along way from here, just wish I could deliver it in person, a few things are going in for a little boy I'd like to squeeze. This last pic is Gold Creek Lake and it stays frozen all year, its doesnt do any justice to how beautiful it really was, the water was aqua and so clear you could see all the way to the bottom of the lake, amazing. We return home soon, am not sure if we will ever pass this way again, Alaska is not the place I would choose to live, but am so thankful that we got the chance to see how extreme life is here, and spend a little time wandering through it.
Friday Shrug
3 weeks ago