So, after a moving day that lasted 3 lifetimes, we have arrived back at Point Roberts, although this time it is without our children. For the first time in a really long time it is just my man and me, not a bad thing, just weird. We left behind us belongings strewn through two states and one foreign country, and dont really know how much of what got left behind that is needed, the only thing that might be missed is the rope I used to have a slight grasp on, think that is somewhere on I-5 not too far from salem, that can be done without for a while too, just float through the next couple of days untethered to any responsibility at all. Only thing in the near future is some beautiful yarn, and a pillow project, think it might just turn out!!! Oh, and trying to master putting a picture in the right spot on this post, maybe if I knew how to use a computer!!!