This is Spur, he belongs to our neighbor, a girl Tay went to school with, I want him.She went to a concert the other night, and asked us to babysit, it was a really hard job.
Striped Friend to Friend
9 months ago
I am a most of the time knitter, crafter, sometimes painter, often a cook, and lucky enough to have family all over that I adore.
There I go spouting off today to Collin about NO MORE animals for me and then you go post this darling puppy who I now want too. That dog is crazy cute and the boy's not so bad either.....
OH MY GOODNESS! Look at those short little legs that are nearly as long as his ears!!! Too cute.
Seriously I am all anti pet now and then you show that and I am back to welllll .... maybe I need one?!?
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