Monday, September 21, 2009

Sorta Dr. Seuss

Cast this on last night, kinda knew the direction I wanted to go in, started knitting, threw it in the washer, and waa laa, it was just what i wanted it to be.

My sis happened to call this morn, and since she is the intended victim for this odd little thing, finished while we were gabbing, didn't know it would have a pansy on the back till I heard her voice. Now, the question would be, does one really need a oversized pod-ish pin holder, quess the anwer would be no, but just maybe the answer could be yes too.

The last of the peppers, they are really giving it their best for this last hurrah, habanerros, when they go red it is the best shade of that color ever.


Corinnea said...

MINE, I LOVE IT. It's crazy and cute. Wait I could be describing myself! hahhahha I was wondering about the sound I heard while we were talking. Didn't want to say anything.... ha!
Love you!

Jessica said...

That is funny!
someone better call and let us know how the surgery goes!

Jennifer said...

This is sooo cool! I knew it was for Corinnea before i read it.